Monday, September 5, 2011

Don't Let Mistakes Distract You

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. ~Philippians 4:13 

People do make mistakes and we should not hold those mistakes over their heads forever.  Although there are times when people need to be reminded about their errors, especially when they begin to act like they are perfect, people deserve a chance to change and progress without being constantly reminded of their mistakes.  God is the only one who is perfect.  All human beings make mistakes and many human beings make more mistakes than others.  Some people sit around and wait for you to make a mistake so that they can gain gratification from your errors.  Many people who are bitter and have low self-esteem feel that the only way to improve the way they feel about themselves is to tear down others.  As Christians, we have to understand that the Devil would love nothing more than to distract us with the tactics of these individuals.  Don’t let folks move your attention away from what God has for you.

If you make a mistake, learn from it and strive to never make it again.  While you may continue to struggle with the same problem for a certain period of time, you will inevitably conquer it with God’s help.  Don’t beat yourself up over making mistakes.  Making mistakes is a part of what makes you human.  The Original Sin was a mistake that allowed all of us to be born from it.  Begin to see your mistakes as learning experiences and as opportunities for you to get closer to Jesus.  We all need something to struggle with so that we will know that we need Jesus every day.  It is time out for seeking Jesus only when you need something.  You must learn that you have to seek Him daily. 

In all that you do, ask Jesus to help you.  Never think that you are beyond asking for help from Jesus.  You must remember that all of your talents and skills come from God and without God you are nothing.  Therefore, never feel that you can make it alone in this evil world.  Having Jesus in your life is necessary.  God will also provide you with some earthly help as well.  It’s foolish to believe that you don’t need human beings in your life.  Many “deep” Christians will assert that all they need is Jesus, but as a person living in the world and not in Heaven, you are going to need another human being in your life for so many reasons that time and space will not permit a listing and explanation of all of them.

Be encouraged today.  You don’t have to let the Devil defeat you by constantly letting him play with your mind about mistakes you have made.  Remember that you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you.  Moreover, all things work together for the good for them who are called according to His purpose and who love Him.  Stop having pity parties about your mistakes and live in the fullness of God.  When you seek God first, He will provide you with all you need to accomplish the desires of your heart.  Nothing is impossible for those who truly believe God.

