“The Birth of Everyday Street Bible”
“Everyday Street Bible” is founded by Antonio Daniels and Santresa Glass. Antonio is affectionately known as “Tony” and Santresa is affectionately known as “San.” Everyday Street Bible emanated from the dysfunctional functioning friendship of Tony and San. These two best friends longed to engender a collaborative blog that would offer the world an extension of what makes their extraordinary friendship so great. This blog recognizes that you can live a victorious Christian life and enter the Kingdom of Heaven, but this does not mean that you cannot live boldly in the real life and real world that we reside. You can be off the chain and still see Jesus, as long as you ground what you do in His spirit and His truth. Tony and San are bold ambassadors for Christ who have found it necessary to provide a street, hood, practical, and everyday version of biblical scriptures and truths that all of the extant translations of God’s Word just are not able to do. You know, sometimes you just need a street interpretation of God’s Word. Now, you have a space where the streets, scholarship, and God’s Word fuse into a beautiful amalgamation of the REAL. Tony and San often don’t agree on many issues, but they do have an unwavering love for one another, God, and a friendship to be coveted.
Tony Stepping to the Mic
Tony is a Ph.D. student and Research Associate in Education at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He is the Chief Executive Officer of Paideia Realized, Inc., an academic, business, and professional writing solutions company, which you can find located at http://paideiarealized.blogspot.com. Tony received his graduate training in English at the University of Arkansas and served as an English Instructor at the University of Arkansas. He is the top Arkansas Razorback fan in the world! WOO PIG SOOIE!!! Although Tony is a truly accomplished scholar, intellectual, instructor, businessman, and student, don’t get it twisted—he’s no joke: He will not hesitate to pop you in the mouth verbally, physically, and professionally with the quickness; of course, all in Jesus name. He also blogs regularly at his highly popular blog, Revolutionary Paideia, located at http://revolutionarypaideia.wordpress.com. Tony currently resides in Madison, Wisconsin and is from Covington, Georgia (metro-Atlanta).
San Stepping to the Mic
San is a doctoral student in Organizational Leadership at Argosy University. She received a graduate degree in Business Management from Troy University, and her undergraduate degree is in English from Albany State University (Go Rams!)—where she met Tony. She is the Chief Pampered Sweet Tooth {PST} of Magnolia’s Sweet Haven, LLC in Atlanta, Georgia, a delivery only, eco-savvy sweets boutique specializing in cheesecakes, chocolate covered strawberries, and cupcakes as well as dessert tables for social and corporate clientele. When she’s not sharing her BAKE. ENTERTAIN. LEARN. and “all things transcendentally sweet and realistically organic about her life” on her blog Pampered Sweet Tooth, she can be found on her own Blog Talk Radio show Sustainably Sweet where she fosters learning more about sustainability for personal and professional benefits as well as to offer listeners an innovative and fun learning experience about the conglomerate of sustainable eco-friendly professionals. There is nothing one-dimensional about San! She is nothing short of fabulous, quite the unorthodox, layered individual and has absolutely no problem verbally or if individuals warrant, physically asserting herself to no one. From Bankhead to the boardroom, San and her straight up no chaser personality always aims to empower and inspire by learning to listen and listening to learn.
Now, Let The Spirit Move You!