Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Focus on Being Thankful on Thanksgiving

In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.  ~ 1 Thessalonians 5:18

Sometimes people can allow their education to cause them to miss the true value and opportunities offered by a holiday.  Many college students and professors love to focus their attention on the brutal treatment of the Native Americans that Thanksgiving brings to the forefront for them, and we should never forget about the inhumane treatment of the Native Americans by White people who came and stole their land.  However, we cannot go back in time and change what happened.  What we can do is concentrate on being thankful on Thanksgiving.  When holidays like Thanksgiving come around and you don’t like their origin for some reason, you have an opportunity to construct the holiday to fit your personal preferences.  Make holidays your own.

On Thanksgiving, we can all celebrate the many things that we are thankful for.  For those academicians who cannot move past the epistemology of Thanksgiving to see the opportunities and value of the holiday in the postmodern epoch, then this means you’ve been imprisoned by history and need to escape your own self-captivity.  

We don’t all have to celebrate Thanksgiving in the same way, but we all can be thankful that we are alive on this day and can be thankful for our many blessings.

To my fellow Christians, let’s show people the Christ in us by doing something for someone who is less fortunate than us by making Thanksgiving a day that they can enjoy.  If you see someone homeless, please get him or her something to eat.  No one should go hungry on Thanksgiving.

Instead of complaining all of the time about what you don’t have, start thanking God for all of the things you do have.  Let God know you’re grateful for the things He has done in your life.  Don’t be so selfish that you continue to overlook the things that people have done for you because you cannot seem to stop complaining about what you don’t have.  For those who have done special things for you this year and in the past, take a moment on this holiday and let them know how much you appreciate them for what they’ve done for you.   

Showing gratitude is vital.

Although we are faced with a challenging economy, God is not going to let those who love Him suffer through this economy alone.  He is going to give you exactly what you need to prosper in these difficult economic times because He is greater than our economy.  We only need to look to Him to be able to prosper in our current economic times.

It is my hope that everyone will have a great Thanksgiving.  Try not to eat too much and share with Everyday Street Bible some of the things you ate on your Thanksgiving menu, and share with Everyday Street Bible the significant moments you will always cherish that this holiday has brought for you.  For those of you who are missing a love one on this day who has always made this holiday special, I pray that God will give you the comfort, peace, strength, and love you need to have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!



Monday, November 21, 2011

You Cannot Fool God Dummy

Woe unto them that seek deep to hide their counsel from the LORD, and their works are in the dark, and they say, Who seeth us? and who knoweth us?  ~Isaiah 29:15 

God is able to see everything you do.  You may be able to fool many human beings but you’re never able to fool God.  Everything you do behind closed doors is not out of the view of God.  Why not just be real with yourself and God and truly live for Him the way you profess to live for Him?  You can compose messages on Facebook and Twitter each day about your love for God and still not fool God about your love for Him.  In all that you do God must get the glory.  If you really love God you will be willing to surrender the things in your life that are not like Him.  If you really love God you will be willing to do only the things pleasing to Him.

How deep is your love for God really?

Who are you really?

It’s time for you to remove the metaphorical sheets, curtains, blinds, and shades you employ to mask the things in your life that are not like God and replace them with a true commitment to righteousness.  You can witness to people and invite them to your church every Sunday, but was what you were doing Friday night, Saturday night, and Sunday night in your bed, on the Internet, at the bar, at the club, in your car, on the phone, and etc. pleasing to Him?

What if the metaphorical sheets, curtains, blinds, and shades you use to hide the things that are not like God were removed from your life?  What would people learn about you that would change how you’re perceived?

If walls could talk, what would they reveal about you?  If your text messages were able to be viewed by the public, what would they communicate about you?  If your email accounts were able to be read by the public, what would they communicate about you?  If your closed doors were open at times when you’re covering up what you want to hide, what would people learn about you that would alter their views of your public image?

Get real with yourself so that you can get real with God.  It’s time to repent now, for God is soon to return and people must be ready for His evaluation of their lives.

Far too often people become too angry about the true criticism they receive from others, but people need to learn to appreciate true criticism.  True criticism can lead you closer to being the person you need to be to please God.  Words that may seem harsh from people you perceive to be “hating on you,” “envious of you,” and/or “jealous of you” can be the very words you need to seriously wrestle with to change your life for the better.

At the end of the day, we need to a help to one another.  Being a help to one another does not mean supporting one’s ways, words, and actions that are not pleasing to God.  We have a clear understanding of what’s pleasing to God by reading the bible daily.  You can ameliorate your understanding of righteousness by reading the bible daily.  Study the Word of God to enjoy the fullness of His power and spirit.
God wants to be first in your life.  Will you let Him?



Monday, September 5, 2011

Don't Let Mistakes Distract You

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. ~Philippians 4:13 

People do make mistakes and we should not hold those mistakes over their heads forever.  Although there are times when people need to be reminded about their errors, especially when they begin to act like they are perfect, people deserve a chance to change and progress without being constantly reminded of their mistakes.  God is the only one who is perfect.  All human beings make mistakes and many human beings make more mistakes than others.  Some people sit around and wait for you to make a mistake so that they can gain gratification from your errors.  Many people who are bitter and have low self-esteem feel that the only way to improve the way they feel about themselves is to tear down others.  As Christians, we have to understand that the Devil would love nothing more than to distract us with the tactics of these individuals.  Don’t let folks move your attention away from what God has for you.

If you make a mistake, learn from it and strive to never make it again.  While you may continue to struggle with the same problem for a certain period of time, you will inevitably conquer it with God’s help.  Don’t beat yourself up over making mistakes.  Making mistakes is a part of what makes you human.  The Original Sin was a mistake that allowed all of us to be born from it.  Begin to see your mistakes as learning experiences and as opportunities for you to get closer to Jesus.  We all need something to struggle with so that we will know that we need Jesus every day.  It is time out for seeking Jesus only when you need something.  You must learn that you have to seek Him daily. 

In all that you do, ask Jesus to help you.  Never think that you are beyond asking for help from Jesus.  You must remember that all of your talents and skills come from God and without God you are nothing.  Therefore, never feel that you can make it alone in this evil world.  Having Jesus in your life is necessary.  God will also provide you with some earthly help as well.  It’s foolish to believe that you don’t need human beings in your life.  Many “deep” Christians will assert that all they need is Jesus, but as a person living in the world and not in Heaven, you are going to need another human being in your life for so many reasons that time and space will not permit a listing and explanation of all of them.

Be encouraged today.  You don’t have to let the Devil defeat you by constantly letting him play with your mind about mistakes you have made.  Remember that you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you.  Moreover, all things work together for the good for them who are called according to His purpose and who love Him.  Stop having pity parties about your mistakes and live in the fullness of God.  When you seek God first, He will provide you with all you need to accomplish the desires of your heart.  Nothing is impossible for those who truly believe God.

