Saturday, June 30, 2012

Stay-At-Home “Christians”

Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching. ~ Hebrews 10:25

No matter how you want to attempt to justify it, you cannot receive the type of worship of God at home as you do at church.  If you say you can, then you’re a member of a church that’s not right for you, you’re not a member of a church or you don’t have a serious worship of God.  While there are some dynamic preachers one can watch on television, especially on Sundays, you miss the power of the anointing present at the temple of God.  God anoints preachers, gives them the spirit of discernment, and gift of prophecy to lay hands on you to meet your needs (those you know about and don’t know about), speak blessings into your life, warn you about the traps the Enemy has set and will set for you, and much more.  Now, this is simply not going to take place when you’re at home resting in your bed or sitting up “having church on t.v.”

Admit it—the reason why you don’t get up and go to church is you’re making excuses.  Many people are simply too lazy to get up go, but they are some of the biggest “Christians.”  Being a Christian requires you to do more than say that you’re one.  You must have a solemn personal relationship with God.  It would seem that a true personal relationship with God would lead you to his temple at least on Sundays.

Those who don’t really have a sincere personal relationship with God will respond to this piece by saying, “Don’t question my relationship with God—how dare you!”  My response is show up for God then.  Be present among the saints of God.  If God saved you, He did not save you for yourself.  He saved you so that you might be a witness to someone else who is not saved.  You’re not going to be an effective witness sitting up in your house.  Churches have weekly services like Bible Study and Prayer that you need to attend to keep you saved and to mature you in your Christian walk with God.  You need to attend Sunday School so that you can live better than you currently know how.

It will not hurt you to attend your church.  Don’t tell me about you “attend” your church online, especially when you live close to your church.  You simply cannot replace the experience and benefits of physically attending your church. 

If you’re going to take your spirituality to the next level, you’re going to have to start by getting your butt up and going to church.

